

Hi guys.. Hope that this video will find you in good health. Today i am going to tell you about some common health tips. Almost 65% peoples do mistake to attend a call. Generally we attend calls with our right ear but the right way is to attend a call with our left ear. Many peoples take medicines with cold water but medicines must be taken with tap water. Many peoples eat junk&heavy food between 6 to 11 p.m. heavy meals can't digest completely after 5 p.m. Try to drink more water in morning and less at night. the best duration to sleep is 10 p.m to 4 a.m. Don't lie immediately after taking medicines. We all use mobile some times its battery becomes low then average in that situation don't answer any call because at that time radiations are 1000 times stronger. As it is well said;"An apple in a day keeps a doctor away". So we should eat 1 apple in a day. 5 almonds in a day keeps cancer. 1 in a day keeps fats away. 1 cup of milk in a day keeps bones problem

Top 10 health genius simple/easy - How to make 10 health tips for you

Hi guys .. Today i am going to tell you about those mistakes which we make daily so lets start from our sitting styles we sit with different styles but the correct is to sit erect as shown in my video.The next thing is to stand.We stand differently in different situations but the correct way to stand is to stand with shoulder and back erect. Many moms pick up their babies wrongly.Pick your babies with both arms.The other big mistake which we made daily is to lift heavy things.Generally we bend over the object to lift it up.It is the wrong method.It may causes back ache.The correct way to lift heavy things is to squat down and then lift the object.Generally we don't know how to wear our school bags.we should try to wear our school bags not too high and not too low.We also make mistake during sleep.The correct way to sleep is to sleep with face pressing on the pillow.Some peoples make mistake to sit on driving seat.So we should sit straight on seat.we can also make mistake to